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Customs: Most of smuggling complaints in Q1 involved agri products

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) on Wednesday said it is doubling down on its efforts to curb smuggling in the first quarter of 2023 as it filed 65 criminal complaints with the Department of Justice (DOJ).

In a statement, Customs said 49 of the complaints it filed involved agricultural products.

The remaining complaints involve fuel, food, cigarettes, general merchandise, and used clothing, the Customs said.

“The Bureau of Customs remains steadfast in its commitment to safeguard our country's borders and to protect our local industries from the harmful effects of smuggling, and we will not rest until we have put an end to this illegal activity," said Customs Commissioner Bienvenido Rubio.

With the filing of 65 criminal complaints in the first quarter of the year, the BOC said it is sending a “strong message” to smugglers that their illegal activities will not be tolerated.

“We will remain vigilant in our efforts to combat smuggling, and we will not hesitate to take legal action against those who seek to violate our laws and jeopardize the welfare of our nation,” Rubio said. —NB, GMA Integrated News