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NCR mayors urged to address COVID-19 vaccination access issues

Metro Manila mayors should address the issues concerning the access of COVID-19 vaccination, Department of Health resident epidemiologist Dr. John Wong.

At the Go Negosyo forum, Wong presented some efforts to maximize the gains in the two-week enhanced community quarantine in Metro Manila from August 6 to 20.

“The local governments have the job of implementing these. There are five issues to be addressed. First, the vaccine supply should be available at the right place and time in sufficient quantities,” he said.

Asked about the complaints of people who have not received a schedule after several months of getting registered for vaccination, the mayors said some applicants are not qualified to the prioritized category.

Makati Mayor Abby Binay said, “Chances are they are not actually part of the group, meaning they are not part of the priority group.”

For Pasay City Mayor Emi Calixto-Rubiano, she said some registrants were still not given a vaccination schedule because of scarcity in supply.

Vaccination should be geographically accessible and only 30 minutes away from their homes, Wong said. He pointed out people lose interest in getting the jab due to the distance of the vaccination sites.

The local governments should also address the hesitancy of people from getting the vaccine. According to Wong, the hesitancy to get the jab is still above 35 percent.

Lastly, Wong said the accommodation services for the vaccination should adjust to the lives and schedule of people. — Joviland Rita/RSJ, GMA News