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QC gov’t says 70% of city’s active COVID-19 cases are unvaccinated

The majority of Quezon City's active COVID-19 cases are unvaccinated individuals, the local government said Wednesday as it pushed for more vaccinations among its residents.

In a statement, the Quezon City Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance Unit (CESU) indicated that there are 8,159 total active cases in the city from August 8-21, 2021. Of this number, 5,735 (70%) are not vaccinated while 1,416 (18%) are fully vaccinated and 1,008 (12%) are partially inoculated.

Of the unvaccinated, 4,619 are asymptomatic, 1,012 are mild, 74 are moderate, 10 are severe, while 20 have died.

Of those fully vaccinated, 1,031 are asymptomatic, 349 are mild, 33 are moderate. No severe cases were reported among vaccinated patients.

Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte urged the public to get vaccinated as the data shows that COVID-19 jabs are effective against severe infection.

“This review of our data greatly proves that our vaccines work regardless of the brand. By releasing this information, we can inspire and encourage more of our QC residents and workers to register in our vaccination program,” Belmonte said.

To date, the locality's inoculation program has administered 2,271,833 doses to QC residents and workers.

Of the number, 1,563,554 individuals or 91.97% of the 1.7 million target population got their first dose while 708,279 (44.09%) have received their second doses.

Those who want to get vaccinated may register through their respective barangays or the city's QCVaxEasy portal— Consuelo Marquez/BM, GMA News