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PHL-US 2017 Balikatan officially closes

The Philippine-United States 33rd Balikatan Exercise officially ended on Friday after 12 days of rigorous training with thousands of service members joining the move to strengthen disaster response and humanitarian assistance.

About 5,000 American and Philippine troops held humanitarian exercises from May 8 to 19 instead of the annual war games, scaling back military drills in response to President Rodrigo Duterte's disdain for their longstanding defense alliance.

After the completion of the exercises, both said committed a "more rapid response to natural disasters and man-made crises, saving lives, and helping the Philippine people," the US Embassy in Manila said in a press release.

US Ambassador Sung Kim said that both forces should work closely together as both nations "face an increasingly complex and volatile security environment." 

"Now more than ever, our armed forces must work together closely. Exercises like Balikatan build upon the long and productive history between our two militaries and ensure that we are always ready to stand shoulder-to-shoulder in defense of our lives, our shared values, and international rules-based order," Kim said.

Both troops have completed training exercises in the following areas: live fire advanced marksmanship, small unit tactics, counter improvised explosive devices (IED), maritime interdiction, and amphibious raids.

Moreover, the service members were also trained in "ship to shore movement of military personnel, air operations, and aid distribution to bolster disaster response capabilities."

Aside from the exercises, both forces have constructed new classrooms and community buildings, and renovated existing ones in the areas of Dulaq and Tapaz in Capiz, Ormoc in Leyte, and Guiuan in Eastern Samar.

Meanwhile, the US supplied $400,000 worth of emergency equipment and aid to the communities in Luzon and Central Visayas.

The community members were also taught basic lifesaving skills, disease prevention, and physical and dental hygiene.

The US troops also coordinated with local government officials "to identify locations capable of supporting relief operations" and to help develop disaster response plans.

The Philippines and the US collaborated with its regional partner nation, Australia and Japan which both participated in all major training events. While the AFP invited military forces from the United Kingdom and Association of Southeast Asian Nations to be part of the International Observers Program.

The closing ceremony was held at Tejeros Hall in Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City, with Kim and Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana as guests.

Lorenzana said the Balikatan exercise was a "perfect demonstration of collaboration" between the Philippines and the US, amid the terrorism threats and challenges.

"This year's Balikatan, as always, proved to be very beneficial and critically important to our Armed Forces, both the US and the Philippines, and also the observer, allies, and observance. It allowed us to boost our regional capacity of humanitarian disaster relief operations and on counter terrorism," Lorenzana said.

"We cannot downplay the importance of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief and counter terrorism operations. Training and drills are critical in order to improve stance, effectiveness and speed in the event of natural disasters and other crisis that endanger public health and safety," he added.

Also on Friday, both Lorenzana and Kim congratulated Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief General Eduardo Año for being appointed as Secretary of the Department of the Interior and Local Government.

Lorenzana during the closing rites said that President Rodrigo Duterte wants Año to assume his post by June 2. — with Anna Felicia Bajo/NB/RSJ, GMA News