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Over 2,000 PHL parishes to join global ‘Red Wednesday’ campaign

Over 2,000 parishes in the Philippines are set to illuminate their church facades in red as part of the global “Red Wednesday” campaign against the persecution of Christians.

According to a report by Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) News, this figure is 25 percent higher than last year’s 1,600 participants.

“Filipinos are becoming more aware of the issue and an indication to the increasing participation of parishes and schools,” said Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) Philippines national director Jonathan Luciano.

Several Catholic schools will also be joining the event on November 27.

Red Wednesday was first organized by the papal charity organization in the United Kingdom in 2016. Red is considered the Christian color of martyrdom.

“We want to be in solidarity with other Christians who are not as fortunate as us,” Luciano said.

The main activity to be hosted by ACN Philippines will be held at the Manila Cathedral with a mass that will be officiated by CBCP vice president Bishop Pablo Virgilio David.

Leaders from other Christian faiths will also be celebrating the event as part of the upcoming Year of Ecumenism, Interreligious Dialogue, and Indigenous Peoples.

“This year is quite special because for the first time we will be involving our brothers and sisters who belong to different Christian denominations,” Luciano said.

According to a report by the ACN, around 300 million Christians were persecuted around the world in 2018.

Luciano also cited recent attacks against Christians in Mindanao, such as the destruction of churches in Marawi City during the 2017 siege and the explosions that rocked the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Cathedral in Jolo, Sulu this year. — Julia Mari Ornedo/BM, GMA News