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On Black Nazarene feast, Duterte urges Filipinos to be compassionate, lead nation to greater progress

President Rodrigo Duterte on Thursday called on Filipinos to be compassionate as well as help in securing a better future for the nation.

Duterte issued the statement as he joined Catholics in the celebration of the Feast of the Black Nazarene.

“For centuries, this devotion to the Nazareno, which reaches its highest expression in the annual Traslacion, continues to strengthen our faith amidst trying times,” he said. Every year, millions of people gather for the Traslacion, risking life and limb to show their faith in the procession where devotees carry a replica of the statue of a cross-bearing Jesus Christ that is believed to be miraculous.

“The stories of conversion and miracles surrounding this important occasion attest to the richness of our religious and cultural heritage,” Duterte said.

The President said he hopes the occasion would inspire Filipinos “to lead our nation towards greater progress, where everyone gets an equal chance for an improved quality of life.”

“May we also learn the virtues of compassion and selflessness as we do our part in nation-building. Together, let us work towards achieving a better and more inclusive future for all Filipinos,” he said. — Virgil Lopez/RSJ, GMA News