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Immigration bureau reminds foreigners of ban on joining political activities

The Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Tuesday reminded foreigners that they are prohibited from joining any "political activity" in the Philippines, including attending protests for or against the government.

As the country commemorates the 34th anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution, Immigration Commissioner Jaime Morente told foreigners that joining pro- or anti-government mass actions may lead to their arrest and deportation.

He said this right is reserved only for Filipinos.

"A visitor of a country is allowed to stay here for health, business, or pleasure," Morente said in a statement. "Joining rallies and protests is an utter display of disrespect to the country, and is equivalent to meddling in our internal affairs as a sovereign nation."

BI Operations Order No. SBM-2015-025 prohibits foreigners from engaging in political activities while in the Philippines. Those who do are violating the conditions of their stay and if found guilty will be prohibited from re-entering the country, Morente said.

The Philippines has previously deported foreign nationals for allegedly violating this rule.

One of them was Patricia Fox, an elderly Australian missionary, who was expelled from the country for participating in press conferences and rallies on social justice issues that authorities found to have violated the conditions of her missionary visa.

Her lawyers argued that even foreigners enjoy the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. They said her activities were aligned with her religious work and were not political. — Nicole-Anne C. Lagrimas/RSJ, GMA News