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Senate honors ex-lawmaker Tessie Aquino-Oreta

Lawmakers in the upper chamber of Congress on Monday paid tribute to former senator Tessie Aquino-Oreta who passed away last week.

The senators adopted Senate Resolution No. 406, honoring the legacy of Oreta who served as a member of the chamber from 1998 to 2004.

Senate President Vicente Sotto III, during his speech, said she was like a sister to him and former Senator Gregorio Honasan.

He remembered her as a "very passionate and strong woman legislator."

Among the laws Oreta crafted were the Solo Parent Act, Solid Waste Management Act, Philippine Micronutrient Fortification Program, Clean Air Act, Governance of Basic Education Act, and Philippine High School System Act.

Her advocacy for education and teachers' welfare is well-remembered by her former colleagues.

Senator Joel Villanueva described Oreta as an "education reformist," recalling that Oreta spearheaded Project TAO, a nationwide survey of the employment status and working conditions of public school teachers in 1999.

This paved the way for many important reforms in the education sector, he added.

Before being elected as a senator, Oreta also served as representative of the district of Malabon-Navotas for three consecutive years from 1987 to 1998.

The sister of former Senator Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr. died at the age of 75 on May 14.

After passing the resolution, the Senate suspended its session as part of the tradition of the chamber in honoring deceased colleagues.—AOL, GMA News