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Palace on Filipinos living with the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Sasayawan po natin’

Filipinos can go on with their lives amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Malacañang said Tuesday, even as it reminded the public to help slow the spread of the disease.

In a televised briefing, presidential spokesperson Harry Roque appealed once again to protect the vulnerable population such as the elderly and pregnant women and observe minimum public health standards such as physical distancing and wearing masks.

He also said the government will expand its test, trace and treat program.

“Some will say, kinakailangan nating sayawan ang COVID-19 kasi sa Pilipino when you have to live with something, sayawan mo na lang. ‘Yan po ang gagawin natin. Sasayawan po natin,” he said.

“We have to deal with COVID-19. We have to resume with our economy and at the same time protect our people.”

Roque said on Monday that the Philippines had to reopen the economy amid the continued threat of COVID-19 or people would have died due to the lack of livelihood.

The Philippines began easing restrictions in May to help revive the pandemic-hit economy.

However, the Department of Health said that the “increased contact among the population” due to the easing of the coronavirus lockdown might be the reason why the number of new cases reached another single-day high of 2,434 on Sunday.

Roque insisted that the country’s healthcare system could still accommodate COVID-19 patients, especially those who are in severe or critical condition.

“Kakayanin po natin mabuhay amidst COVID-19,” he said.