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Gierran’s lack of health expertise doesn’t make him less qualified as PhilHealth chief — Guevarra

New Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) chief Dante Gierran's lack of health expertise does not make him less qualified to lead the state insurer, Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra said.

"All I know is that Atty. Gierran's co-workers and subordinates at the NBI spoke highly of his administrative skills," Guevarra said in a message Tuesday night.

"PhilHealth is an insurance provider more than a healthcare institution. So Atty. Gierran's lack of health expertise does not make him less qualified for the top executive position in the corporation," he added.

Gierran, former director of the National Bureau of Investigation, has been appointed to replace erstwhile PhilHealth president Ricardo Morales, who resigned last week as the corporation faces allegations of corruption.

Under the Universal Healthcare Law, the PhilHealth president must have at least seven years of experience in the field of public health, management, finance, and health economics or a combination of any of these expertise.

Gierran has admitted he lacks experience in public health. He asked the public to give him and PhilHealth a chance

"Please spread the word, tell our people, the Filipinos, to give PhilHealth a chance. My job is to restore the trust of the people to the government," Gierran told ANC on Tuesday.

"I am new so give me a chance to move. Pagbigyan niyo muna ako," he added.

But Malacañang defended his appointment, saying his legal and accounting background makes him fit for the job.

NBI deputy director Ferdinand Lavin has described Gierran as "strict and disciplinarian."

Some senators have expressed optimism that Gierran could effectively lead PhilHealth, but Senator Francis Pangilinan pointed out the new state health insurer chief's lack of experience in public health.

"His predecessor too had no public health experience and that ended terribly for PhilHealth. For the sake of PhilHealth, my serious misgivings notwithstanding, I hope he succeeds where others have failed," Pangilinan said.

Gierran succeeded retired Army general Ricardo Morales, who resigned last week after Duterte said it would be best for him to go due to his unstable health condition and amid amid allegations of corruption hounding the state insurer. — RSJ, GMA News