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Philippines: China presence in Scarborough, Mischief doesn't mean ownership

China’s military presence in Philippine-claimed features in the South China Sea cannot be considered a valid exercise of ownership on the part of Beijing, Malacañang said Thursday.

Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque cited the 2016 ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration that Beijing's expansive claims encroached on areas falling under Manila's 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone.

“Sinabi na po iyan ng ating Presidente sa maraming pagkakataon na nandiyan na iyang panalong iyan, hindi natin iyan babalewalain,” Roque said in a news conference.

“Kahit anong physical military occupation nila sa mga isla na ang sabi naman ng tribunal ay kabahagi ng ating exclusive economic zone, will never ripen into a valid legal title.”

Roque said there was no order yet from the President to file a resolution with the UN General Assembly that will urge China to respect the ruling.

“Anything is possible but there has not been any step to that effect ordered by the Palace yet,” he said.

The Palace official said last week that the Philippines should not expect support from the UN given Beijing’s influence over the 193-member body.

The Philippines lost control of the Mischief Reef in 1995 and Scarborough Shoal in 2012 to China.

Beijing has also transformed previously submerged features in the South China Sea into artificial islands with multi-level buildings and runways. It has also installed missiles in these areas.

On Wednesday, President Rodrigo Duterte told the United Nations General Assembly that the arbitral ruling is already part of international law.

Duterte also said the Philippines firmly rejects attempts to undermine the ruling and welcomed the increasing number of countries that have manifested support of the award. -NB, GMA News