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SWS: 85% of Filipinos are worried about getting COVID-19

At least 85% of Filipinos are worried about getting infected with COVID-19 which is the same percentage recorded three months ago, a recent Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey showed.

An SWS poll conducted last September 17 to 20 revealed that the 85% of Filipinos worried about getting infected with COVID-19 is broken down to 63% who are worried a great deal and 22% who are somewhat worried.

Only 9% are worried a little, while 6% are not worried that anyone in their immediate family might catch COVID-19.

The worry rate is highest in Balance Luzon at 87%, followed by the Visayas at 84%, Metro Manila at 83% and Mindanao at 80%. 

The bulk of COVID-19 cases in the country are recorded in Metro Manila, but the worry rate in this region has slightly declined to 83% this month from 92% in May and July.

The SWS survey was conducted using mobile phone and computer-assisted telephone interviewing of 1,249 adult Filipinos aged 18 years old and above nationwide. 

Of this number, 309 of respondents are in Metro Manila, 328 in Balance Luzon, 300 in the Visayas, and 312 in Mindanao. 

The sampling error margin is ±3% for national percentages, ±6% for Metro Manila, ±5% for Balance Luzon, ±6% for the Visayas, and ±6% for Mindanao.

The Philippines has recorded 307,288 COVID-19 cases as of Monday. Of this number, 252,665 recovered while 5,381 died. 

The number of active COVID-19 cases in the country is at 49,242. —KG, GMA News