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COVID-19 infected cops now at 6,768 — PNP

The Philippine National Police on Monday reported 41 new cases of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) among its personnel, raising the total tally to 6,768.

The PNP also said total recoveries climbed to 6,130 after 25 more police officers recovered from the respiratory illness.

The death toll, meanwhile, remained at 21.

So far, there are 617 active COVID-19 cases within the police organization.

Nationwide, COVID-19 cases rose to 359,169 on Monday, including 6,675 deaths and 310,303 recoveries.

There are also 42,191 active cases undergoing treatment or quarantine, 83.1 percent of which are mild, 11.3 percent are asymptomatic, 2.1 percent are severe, and 3.6 percent are in critical condition. -- BAP, GMA News