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CHR warns PNP against threatening manhunt sans arrest warrant

The Philippine National Police (PNP) must not threaten suspects with a manhunt if it does not have a legal basis such as a warrant of arrest, the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) said Wednesday.

CHR spokesperson Jacqueline de Guia reminded authorities to “abide by their own rules and procedures to not cast any doubt in the regularity of police operations, as actions taken at the onset of the investigation play a pivotal role in the full and transparent resolution of the case.”

“These standards must be carried out in full accordance with the rule of law while ensuring that the rights of all parties involved are respected,” she said.

PNP chief Police General Debold Sinas earlier warned the suspects in the death of flight attendant Christine Dacera to “surrender within 72 hours or we will hunt you down using force if necessary.”

The threat was made despite the lack of arrest warrants.

Earlier on Wednesday, the Makati City Prosecutor’s Office ordered the release of three individuals nabbed in connection with the Dacera case and set a preliminary investigation for January 13. 

Meanwhile, the CHR again thumbed down calls for a reimposition of the death penalty.

“While perpetrators of rape and other forms of sexual violence must be held accountable, capital punishment would not genuinely address the problem,” De Guia said.

“The CHR maintains its stance that conviction of criminals and certainty of arrest and punishment are more effective strategies in deterring crime and in delivering justice.”

Dacera was found dead in the bathtub of a Makati hotel room on January 1, a day after she checked in with friends for a New Year’s Eve celebration. — Julia Mari Ornedo/BM, GMA News