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8,276 new COVID-19 cases bring Philippines' total to 1,028,738

The Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday reported 8,276 new coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections, bringing the total tally to 1,028,738, as one laboratory failed to submit data on time.

According to the DOH, the number of active cases in the country slightly rose to 69,354.

Of this, 94.9% are mild, 1.6% are asymptomatic, 1.4% are severe, and 1.1% are in critical condition.

Meanwhile, total recoveries climbed to 942,239 with 6,636 new ones while 114 new fatalities brought the death toll to 17,145.

Thirty-three duplicate cases were also removed from the total case count.

“Moreover, 68 cases that were previously tagged as recoveries were reclassified as deaths after final validation,” the Health Department said.

Data also showed that 64% of the country’s intensive care unit beds are in use while 46% of the mechanical ventilators are occupied.

In the National Capital Region, 72% of the ICU beds are being utilized by patients while 57% of the mechanical ventilators are in use.

A total of 500,000 more doses of COVID-19 vaccine from Chinese firm Sinovac Biotech arrived in the country on Thursday morning.

Vaccine czar Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr. on Wednesday night said the Philippines is eyeing to start the vaccination of the general public by August.—LDF, GMA News