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Tricia Robredo tweets Google alert on 'gov't-backed' hack attempt

One of the daughters of Vice President Leni Robredo on Friday night tweeted a screengrab of a supposed warning from Google that her account was being hacked by 'government-backed attackers.'

"There is a chance this is a false alarm but we believe we detected government-backed attackers trying to steal your password. This happens to less than 0.1% of Gmail users," the warning read.

"We can't reveal what tipped us off because the attackers will take note and change their tactics, but if they are successful at some point they could access your data ot take other actions using your account," it added.

Tricia is a medical doctor and one of the physicians conducting swab tests in the COVID-19 testing efforts of the Office of the Vice President

"Ooohhh what dis," read the caption in her tweet.

On Thursday, the office of detained Senator Leila De Lima urged Facebook to monitor and investigate the temporary shutdown of the FB pages of several opposition members.

GMA News Online has reached out to Tricia and the Department of Information and Communications Technology for comment. —NB, GMA News