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SWS: 51% of Filipinos confident of gov't's evaluation of COVID-19 vaccines

A little more than half of adult Filipinos are confident of the evaluation of government experts as regards vaccines meant to prevent the spread of COVID-19, survey findings of the Social Weather Stations showed.

In a poll conducted from April 28 to May 2, 2021, SWS found that 51% Filipinos are confident in the government's vaccine experts amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Of the number, 18% are very confident and 34% are somewhat confident.

The SWS poll showed that 31% were uncertain and 17% were not confident in the government's vaccine experts.

The SWS poll used interviews of 1,200 adults aged 18 years old and above. Of the total number, 300 each were interviewed in Balance Luzon, Metro Manila, Visayas, and Mindanao.

"The sampling error margins are ±3% for national percentages and ±6% for Balance Luzon, Metro Manila, the Visayas, and Mindanao," the SWS said.

On whether the respondents were willingness to be inoculated against COVID-19 with a free vaccine the Food and Drug Administration approved, 32% said they were willing (consisting of 23% surely and 9% probably), 35% are uncertain about it, and 33% are unwilling (consisting of 7% probably not and 26% surely not) to get vaccinated [Chart 2].

Meanwhile, SWS also found that 58% of those who trust the government's vaccine experts said they are willing to get inoculated.

Of those willing to get vaccinated, SWS said 41% said they want to get vaccinated for safety and protection against the virus. This was followed by 30% who would want to get vaccinated to avoid contracting COVID-19.

People willing to get inoculated also cited the following reasons:

-For my family’s safety and protection vs. Covid-19 (9%),

-To stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus (6%),

-It’s required in my workplace (6%),

-It’s safe and proven effective (5%),

-To go out without the worry of catching Covid-19 (4%),

-It’s available for free (4%),

-I’m following what is being required (3%),

- I already got my Covid-19 vaccine (2%),

-Because others already got it (1%),

Trust in gov't vaccine expert highest in Mindanao

In addition, the SWS poll showed that Mindanao has the highest percentage of Filipinos who are confident in the government's vaccine experts.

SWS said 58% of Filipinos who are confident in the government vaccine program are from Mindanao. This was followed by 55% in Visayas; 49% in Metro Manila and 47% in Balance Luzon.

Willingness in COVID-19 inoculation highest in NCR

The percentage of those willing to get COVID-19 jabs is highest in Metro Manila  with 41%, followed by Mindanao with 34%, Visayas with 32%, and Balance Luzon  with 28%.

Of those uncertain of the vaccination programs, 39% said they were afraid of the possible adverse effects from the drug.  Also, 21% believed that the vaccines are unsafe and ineffective.

SWS also found that 11% believe that they might die, 11% are afraid, 11% said they have comorbidity and 11% said they are too old. —NB, GMA News