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Palace: Spike in COVID-19 cases outside NCR Plus due to community transmission

The increase in COVID-19 cases outside Metro Manila was due to increased community transmission in the area, the Palace said Tuesday.

Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque was referring to the spike in new COVID-19 cases in Luzon (outside Metro Manila) which averaged 2,008 new COVID-19 cases per day from May 25 to 31 from 1,541 last week, and Mindanao recording an average of 1,485 new COVID-19 cases per day from 980 the previous week.

The figures were reported by Health Secretary Francisco Duque to President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday night.

"Hindi po, I think the fact na naka-lockdown tayo dito at nag-increase sa kanila only means na dumami iyong community transmission nila," Roque said when asked if border controls between Metro Manila and the provinces caused the spike in COVID-19 cases.

(The fact that we've been locked down here and Metro Manila and the number of cases still increased in other places only means that community transmissions in those areas outside of Metro Manila had increased.)

"Hindi ko po sinasabi na exported from Manila iyong mga kasong iyon, kasi nga napakatagal na nating mayroong travel bubble dito sa Metro Manila Plus," Roque added.

(I am not saying travelers from Metro Manila exported the COVID-19 cases because we have a travel bubble here in Metro Manila Plus.)

Roque was referring to the policy which prevented non-essential trips outside of the National Capital Region Plus area which includes Metro Manila, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, and Rizal from March 29 to May 31.

"I think it’s a rational conclusion naman na they must have had an increase in community transmission dahil nga po din sa pagkalat ng mga new variants," Roque added.

(It is a rational conclusion that we had an increase in community transmission in other areas due to new variants.)

Before Monday night, the OCTA Research Group monitored a “significant” rise in COVID-19 cases in some urban centers outside Metro Manila last May 19.

The significant increases in new cases were observed in Cagayan de Oro, Davao City, and Iloilo City. — DVM, GMA News