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Eleazar to receive first jab in PNP COVID-19 vaccination rollout for A4 category

Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Guillermo Eleazar will be the first to receive COVID-19 vaccine when the police organization starts its vaccination rollout for its personnel under the A4 category.

In a statement on Thursday, the PNP said the first batch of vaccine recipients also include members of their Command Group.

This is part of their information campaign for the more than 220,000 personnel on the safety and importance of vaccination, according to the PNP.

Eleazar said they will not pick a specific brand of vaccine for their inoculation.

“We subscribe to the findings of health experts that all vaccine brands are safe and effective kaya we will take advantage of this free vaccination regardless of the brand,” he said.

As of Thursday, around 92.23% of PNP personnel have expressed willingness to be vaccinated.

However, the PNP said it is yet to receive another batch of COVID-19 vaccines for the inoculation of its personnel under the A4 category.

Eleazar said the PNP has always been ready to start the vaccination, citing their experience during their first inoculation rollout in March this year.

“I have already instructed all PNP personnel to take advantage of the COVID vaccines that would be offered to them by their respective local government units,” he said.

“This arrangement was already approved by our Department of the Interior and Local Government Secretary Eduardo M. Año,” he added.

According to PNP, a total of 16,646 policemen have already been vaccinated. Of which,  at least 11,167 have already completed the vaccination.—Joviland Rita/AOL, GMA News