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PNP: 88 more policemen test positive for COVID-19

The number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases within the Philippine National Police (PNP) reached 29,027 on Tuesday with 88 more police personnel testing positive for the illness.

Latest data from the PNP showed that total recoveries rose to 27,456 after 77 additional employees defeated the respiratory illness.

The death toll, meanwhile, remained at 77.

So far, there are 1,486 active COVID-19 cases within the police organization.

Nationwide, cases of COVID-19 increased to 1,481,660 with 1,408,634 recoveries and 26,092 deaths.

The Department of Health said 56% of the intensive care unit beds nationwide are in use while 37% of the mechanical ventilators are occupied.

In the National Capital Region, 43% of the ICU beds are being utilized by patients while 33% of the mechanical ventilators are in use.—Ma. Angelica Garcia/LDF, GMA News