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Over 21M COVID-19 vaccine doses administered as of August 3 —Galvez

Over 21 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered by the Philippine government as of August 3, 2021, vaccine czar Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr. reported Wednesday.

“We would like to present to Congress the good news that the Philippines has already administered 21,883,781 doses of various vaccines, 12,058,315 have taken the first dose while 9,825,466 Filipinos are now fully vaccinated,” Galvez said during the House committee on health briefing on the COVID-19 situation in the country.

The number of fully vaccinated individuals represents 13.87% of the government’s target eligible population or individuals aged 18 years old and above, and 8.85% of the total Philippine population, the vaccine czar noted.

Galvez also mentioned “significant” increase in the daily average jabs administered with 529,911 doses inoculated from July 28 to August 03.

“Many people and even our detractors said that it is very impossible for us to have the 500,000. Now we are breaching more than 600,000 and nearing 700,000 mark,” Galvez said.

The government has also reached its highest-recorded number of jabs per day on August 3 with 673,652 doses administered.

Meanwhile, the country’s moving weekly accomplishment is now at 3,709,376.

So far, Galvez said the Philippines has already received 37,275,800 doses of COVID-19 vaccines since February.

For the month of August, the government expects the delivery of 22,726,000 additional doses.

“We analyzed and assessed that in order to meet monthly demand and increasing capacity of all regions, provinces, and districts, the Philippines needs to deliver at least 25 million monthly,” Galvez said.—AOL, GMA News