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Palace: Utilization rate of COVID-19 healthcare facilities at high risk

Malacañang admitted Monday that the COVID-19 utilization rate of healthcare facilities in the country is at high risk.

"We are at high risk po, hindi pa po critical," presidential spokesperson Harry Roque said at a press briefing, clarifying an earlier statement.

"Meron pa naman tayong espasyo [we still have spaces]," he added.

Based on government data presented by Roque, the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) utilization in Metro Manila and the entire Philippines is at 72% and 73%, respectively.

As for ward beds utilization, Metro Manila is at 71% while the entire Philippines is at 67%.

For isolation beds, the utilization rate for the entire country is at 61%, just slightly higher than Metro Manila's 60%.

Ventilator utilization rate, meanwhile, is at 58% for the Metro Manila, slightly higher than the entire country's 54%.

The new COVID-19 cases recorded in a single day the Philippines breached the 18,000 mark on Monday, August 23. It was the highest total since the pandemic hit the country in March 2020. 

It slightly went down to 12,000 new COVID-19 cases recorded on Tuesday, August 24.

Despite the new COVID-19 cases reaching five figures, Roque said it is still within government projection.

"We are within projection for as long as we do not exceed 20,000 per day. That is the projection. So kung ang iniisip ninyo ay iyong ECQ will result in a drastic reduce in cases, hindi po ‘yan iyong projection (If you are thinking that ECQ will drastically reduce the cases, that is not the projection)," Roque pointed out.

"I would say we are on track," Roque added.

Metro Manila, the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, was placed under enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) from August 6 to 20, a protocol which only allows essential trips and essential services to operate. The quarantine classification has since been lowered to modified enhanced community quarantine. 

Under ECQ protocol, only essential trips and essential industries such as food and medicine are allowed to operate.

Under MECQ, indoor and al fresco dine-in services are still prohibited. Personal care services including beauty salons, beauty parlors, barbershops and nail spas are likewise not allowed. Religious gatherings must also be limited to virtual activities.

Roque said the ECQ cannot be prolonged because people would need to work and earn a living or else they would go hungry. — KBK/RSJ, GMA News