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Robredo tests negative for COVID-19

Vice President Leni Robredo has tested negative for COVID-19, seven days after her exposure to a positive case.

“Got my negative RT-PCR [COVID-19] test already. I’ve been exposed so many times but the latest was my closest call to date. So thank God, really!,” Robredo said in a statement.

“I was again spared,” Robredo added.

Robredo, however, said she will finish her 14-day quarantine first before physically going to her office.

“I’ve been raring to go back to the office because I have a gazillion things to do. But we are strictly following health protocols and that includes completing the 14-day quarantine despite the negative test,” she said.

“For the next seven days, I will continue to be working from home,” Robredo added.

Robredo said that for the past seven days, she has been attending Zoom meetings and shooting video messages .

Robredo is already fully vaccinated with two doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. — RSJ, GMA News