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National gov't should orient LGUs outside NCR about alert level system —ULAP

The Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP) on Tuesday called on the national government to educate local governments on the alert level system ahead of its planned nationwide implementation.

At the Laging Handa public briefing, ULAP chairperson and Quirino Governor Dakila Cua said that local government units are supportive of the system, which is currently being pilot tested in Metro Manila.

“Ang pakiusap lang naman talaga is educate us as early as possible. Turuan na po kami ano yung mga nagbago mula sa dating system...para agad namin itong ma-adapt,” he said.

(What we’re just asking is to educate us as early as possible. Teach us what has been changed from the old system so we could easily adapt.)

Starting September 16, the National Capital Region has been placed under Alert Level 4 as part of the pilot implementation of the new system.

The original date for the implementation of the alert level system and granular lockdowns on September 8 had been postponed due to unfinished guidelines.

NTF spokesperson Restituto Padilla said the guidelines should be expanded to address the concerns of the mayors and other parties.

For Padilla, the delay in the implementation of the policy shift was a lesson learned for the government to prepare all the guidelines before making an announcement. —KBK, GMA News