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Trillanes files COC for Senate comeback under Liberal Party

Former Senator Antonio Trillanes IV on Friday filed his certificate of candidacy (COC) for his intended Senate comeback in the 2022 elections.

Trillanes will run under Liberal Party, which is headed by Vice President Leni Robredo, who filed her COC as an independent candidate for president on Thursday afternoon.

In a statement, Trillanes said he will continue his anti-corruption and governance reforms advocacy in the Senate and will assist the Robredo administration in making officials “who abused their power, especially in this time of pandemic, accountable through the oversight functions of the Senate.”

The former lawmaker likewise said that he will push measures on economic recovery and poverty alleviation, peace and order, security sector reforms, healthcare reforms, COVID-19 Response, and education reforms.

“Above all, we must ensure that VP Leni will win as president to stop the destructive Duterte regime. After this, we can now start the rebuilding process for country and that is the perfect role for future President Leni,” Trillanes said.  —KBK, GMA News