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Isko to IATF: File raps vs. DENR execs over dolomite beach overcrowding

Manila Mayor Isko Moreno on Tuesday called on the government task force against COVID-19 to file complaints against Environment department officials over last weekend's overcrowding at Manila Bay's dolomite beach.

In a television interview, Moreno, a presidential aspirant in the 2022 elections, said it is the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) which has control over the area.

“I am calling IATF: Charge those people in DENR [for] violating our rules. If we cannot implement it in their offices, then there is no point to implement it sa mga taumbayan [to the public],” he said in an interview on ANC.

IATF refers to the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases, the government's policy-making body in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moreno also called on all the member agencies of the IATF to charge their colleagues in the national government over violation of COVID-19 health protocols during the dolomite beach incident.

Moreno said he had warned some DENR personnel that the city government might conduct arrests if health protocols are not observed during the opening of the dolomite beach.

“Ang bilin ko nga kapag maggaganyan-ganyan tayo eh ‘di mag-aarestuhan tayo pare-pareho, gobyerno sa gobyerno [I told them that if the protocols are not observed then we might as well arrest each other],” he said.

“But we don’t do that, we try to be rational and reasonable,” he added.

'Nagkulang ng kaunti'

At the Palace briefing, DENR Undersecretary Benny Antiporda said he has yet to personally hear about Moreno's challenge to the IATF.

He admitted shortcoming on the part of the DENR but added that this was addressed immediately. 

"Sinasabi nila na nagkaroon ng violation ng social distancing. Immediately, na-address po yan," Antiporda said. "Nagkulang ng kaunti pero naagapan po."

(They were saying that there was a violation of social distancing protocol. It was addressed immediately. It was a little shortcoming but we were able to act on it.)

On Tuesday, the DENR announced that children 11 years old and below will no longer be allowed entry to the dolomite beach.

The DENR, as well as the police, recently drew flak after the artificial white sand area along Manila Bay drew large crowds over the weekend, including small children, despite the pandemic.

On Monday, Manila Police District chief Police Brigadier General Leo Francisco said a total of 65,000 visitors came to the dolomite beach on Sunday.

Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Guillermo Eleazar said more policemen will be deployed to the area to help ensure crowd control. —KBK, GMA News