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PNP to discuss protocols in malls, tourist spots amid eased restrictions

Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police Lieutenant General Dionardo Carlos said on Tuesday he will order ground commanders to discuss with management of malls and tourist destinations the adjusted health and safety protocols with the eased COVID-19 restrictions.

This follows the announcement of President Rodrigo Duterte that wearing of face shields is now optional in areas under Alert Levels 3, 2 and 1. Private establishments were also urged to follow this mandate.

Carlos said police personnel will continue to patrol in public areas such as plazas and parks.  They will use sirens and megaphone to remind the public to follow the minimum public health standards such as wearing of face masks and physical distancing.

“We are requesting our kababayans to be mindful when they are outside. The virus is still here and protocols should be followed at all times,” the police chief  added.

Metro Manila is currently under Alert Level 2 until November 30. In this status, minors are allowed in leisure places as long as they are accompanied by fully vaccinated adults or guardians.

Establishments such as churches, restaurants, and salons are also allowed to operate indoors at 50% capacity with an additional 10% capacity if they have a safety seal. For outdoors, 70% is allowed.

Election activities

Carlos further stated that they will discuss with the IATF the guidelines for election activities depending on the alert level status of the areas. He said that once they get to streamline this, the police force will comply and implement accordingly.

He also urged the candidates to meet with their supporters and campaign staff on how they could campaign without violating the minimum public health standards.

“Hinihiling namin sa mga tatakbo sa darating na election na mismo tayo na ang magpakita ng tamang ehemplo sa ating mga kababayan. Sana sa panahong ito, lalo na itong pandemya, bagamat bumababa na yung mga kaso ay hindi ito rason upang lumabag sa mga health protocols,” he said.

(We are asking those who will be running in the upcoming elections to be good examples to our countrymen. In this pandemic, the decline in COVID-19 cases is not a reason to violate the health protocols.)

Several aspirants for Eleksyon 2022 have started doing the rounds in the provinces to meet supporters ahead of the official campaign period.—Giselle Ombay/LDF, GMA News