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PNP spox says martial law in Sulu could help strengthen anti-terror law

Imposing martial law in the province of Sulu could help in intensifying the implementation of the anti-terror law, which aims to prevent terrorist attacks from happening, the spokesman of the Philippine National Police said Wednesday.

The PNP has expressed support over the recommendation of Philippine Army chief Lieutenant General Cirilito Sobejana to place Sulu province under military rule following the deadly blasts in the town of Jolo last Monday.

"We think that imposing limited martial law in Sulu province would in fact enhance the implementation of the anti-terror law...Although we are still awaiting for the IRR to be released by the Anti-Terrorism Council," Police Brigadier General Bernard Banac told ANC.

"But in the absence of IRR yan, we think imposing martial law would help a lot in maintaining peace and order in the area," Banac added.

At least 15 individuals, including soldiers, a cop and civilians, were killed in the explosions, which were believed to be triggered by two suicide bombers. More than 70 others were wounded in the incident.

According to Banac, police have intelligence information on Sulu bombings, but he said there was no specific information on these attacks. He said police are on alert following the arrest of Abu Sayyaf leader Anduljihad "Idang" Susukan early this month.

"There were no specifics. But the fact that we have arrested Idang Susukan about two weeks ago in Davao City, that gives us serious concern that terrorist groups would launch retaliatory attacks against security forces," Banac said.

Military officials had said the two suicide bombers involved in the blasts were the ones being tracked by four intelligence officers slain during a shooting incident last June 29.

If the soldiers were able to catch the suicide bombers, the twin blasts could not have happened, the military said.

In response, Banac said the nine police officers in the shooting incident just responded to the situation during that time.

"This is really unfortunate. We didn't want this to happen also but our cops just responded on the situation at that time but it turned awry," Banac said.

Banac said the PNP does not want the recent explosions to adversely affect its relationship with the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

PNP chief Police General Archie Francisco Gamboa has directed the Philippine Bomb Data Center and Crime Laboratory to provide technical support to the ongoing probe into the twin explosions. — RSJ, GMA News