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PRC, Surigao del Norte gov’t open biomolecular lab in Surigao City

The Philippine Red Cross (PRC) and the provincial government of Surigao del Norte have opened a biomolecular lab in Surigao City to aid the province's fight against COVID-19.

According to a statement, the laboratory has one ribonucleic acid extractor machine and two polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machines.

This will allow the laboratory to test 2,000 samples daily, Surigao del Norte 1st District Representative Francisco Matugas III said. He added that patients may receive the results or certificates for their COVID-19 tests online.

“The establishment of this molecular laboratory is a timely development for the people of Surigao del Norte now that we have reopened our borders for tourism and have resumed travel,” he said in a statement.

Around P18 million worth of donations raised from several mining companies were used to buy the laboratory’s equipment.

Meanwhile, the PRC shouldered the cost of development of the structure with support from Surigao del Norte Governor Francisco Matugas and the congressman. It will also shoulder the consumables for the test kits and other operating expenses.

Matugas, meanwhile, said the provincial government is also looking forward to the opening of the Red Cross Swabbing or Specimen Collection Center in Siargao Island.

“Having our own COVID-19 testing available for tourists would allow Siargao Island, and Surigao del Norte’s tourism as a whole, to continue while keeping the province and everyone in it as safe as possible,” he said. — Joahna Lei Casilao/BM, GMA News