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Lacson wants US COVID-19 vaccines donation to be done bilaterally

Senator Panfilo Lacson on Friday suggested that the vials to be donated by the United States be handed over directly to the Philippines instead of through the COVAX facility.

"We won’t forget this gesture of friendship. Unless World Health Organization protocols are too strict on vaccine donations, it would be better if it’s done bilaterally instead of through COVAX. Our people need the vaccines ASAP," Lacson said in a tweet, as he thanked the US for prioritizing Philippines in its vaccine donations.

In a statement, Lacson explained that sending the vaccine donations to the Philippines  bilaterally will expedite the country’s vaccination program.

"Meanwhile, our government needs to continue enhancing our people’s trust in the vaccines, especially those who remain reluctant to get their jabs done. Our people should be convinced of the truth that getting inoculated can save their lives as well as those of their loved ones - and pay no mind to the disinformation and conspiracy theories," he added.

On Thursday, US President Joe Biden announced that the Philippines is one of the priority nations in Asia that will share 7 million doses from the first tranche of COVID-19 vaccines that they will donate globally.

According to a fact sheet released by the Biden White House, from this initial 25 million doses, the US will course 19 million doses through COVAX, the global vaccine-sharing facility.

COVAX will in turn give approximately 7 million to the following Asian countries:

  • Philippines
  • India
  • Nepal
  • Bangladesh
  • Pakistan
  • Sri Lanka
  • Afghanistan
  • Maldives
  • Malaysia
  • Vietnam
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • Laos
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Taiwan
  • the Pacific Islands.

- MDM, GMA News