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Pinoy Abroad

DFA: 17 new COVID-19 cases reported among Filipinos abroad

The number of Filipinos overseas who tested positive for COVID-19 rose to 2,195 on Monday after the Department of Foreign Affairs recorded 17 new patients.



Two additional Filipinos have recovered from the illness, bringing the total number of recoveries abroad to 644, while patients undergoing treatment are at 1,291.

Meanwhile, the death toll climbed to 260 with seven new fatalities.

The DFA said Europe and the Middle East remained as the hotspots of confirmed cases among Filipinos overseas.

Europe still had the highest number of COVID-positive Filipinos at 658, followed by the Middle East or Africa with 620.

Meanwhile, the Asia Pacific Region had the fewest number of cases with 388.

The Americas, however, recorded the highest number of Filipino COVID-19 deaths at 142. —LDF, GMA News