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Pinoy Abroad

101 more Pinoys overseas get COVID-19 — DFA

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Monday reported 101 new cases of COVID-19 among Filipinos overseas, raising the total tally to 23,569.

Latest data from the DFA showed that total recoveries rose to 13,833 after 102 more patients defeated the respiratory illness.

The death toll also climbed to 1,398 with three new fatalities.

So far, there are 8,338 patients undergoing treatment for the disease.

The Middle East/Africa still has the highest number of COVID-19-positive Filipinos abroad at 13,125, including 6,646 recoveries and 927 fatalities.

The Asia Pacific Region followed with 5,752 cases including 3,944 recoveries and 89 deaths.

In Europe, a total of 3,651 cases have been recorded, 130 of which have died and 2,562 have recovered.

In the Americas, 1,041 Filipinos have been infected with the respiratory illness. A total of 681 people have recovered, while 252 have died. -- BAP, GMA News