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Pinoy Abroad

Saudi authorities nab suspect in death of OFW

Saudi Arabian authorities arrested a suspect in the death of Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) Marjorette Garcia, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Tuesday. 

DFA Assistant Secretary Paul Cortes made the announcement a day after Philippine authorities confirmed that the 32-year-old Garcia, who is married and has children, died after suffering a stab wound.

“The police found her bloodied due to a stab wound, and they rushed her to the hospital where she died. As far as we were told by the [Philippine] Embassy, the suspect has been arrested by the local police, and the case is under investigation,” Cortes said in an interview with state-run news program Bagong Pilipinas Ngayon.

“The suspect is not a Filipino. It appears that the suspect is her co-worker, but we are still waiting for the results of the investigation. Once the investigation is over, Saudi Arabia [authorities] will work on the documentation so her remains can be repatriated back to the Philippines,” Cortes added.

Cortes also said that the DFA, the Department of Migrant Workers, and Philippine Embassy officials in Saudi Arabia were in touch with the victim’s family and were ready to assist them. — DVM, GMA Integrated News