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Filipina among those injured in New York stabbing spree

A Filipina is among the four individuals injured in a stabbing spree in New York.

NEW YORK CITY — A Filipina is among the four individuals injured after a man with alleged mental health issues went on a stabbing spree over the weekend. 

The Filipina is identified as Bel Molina, 46 years old, from Leyte. 

Molina is currently still recovering after sustaining a stab wound that required three stitches for treatment.

The Filipina was jogging home from the subway station on 54th Street when she encountered the suspect in a wheelchair. Initially assuming he was harmless, she ran past him on the sidewalk. It wasn't until she was close that she noticed he had a knife.

Despite attempting to flee, she was still injured on her arm near the elbow.

Molina has been a resident of the area for 12 years. She said this is the first time she has experienced such an incident.

She also told GMA Integrated News that she never imagined such an attack would occur.

This is not the first time that a suspect with mental conditions has attacked victims randomly in public places in New York City.

Aside from Molina, three others fell victim to the suspect's stabbing spree. A 69-year-old woman was stabbed in the face and body, while a 57-year-old man was stabbed in the back.

The suspect, identified as Kareem Philips, 38 years-old, was promptly arrested and is currently in the custody of the New York Police Department.

Philips is facing charges of two counts of attempted murder, four counts of assault, and criminal possession of a weapon.

It remains unclear if this is being treated as a hate crime, as all the victims were Asian. —VAL, GMA Integrated News