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Pinoy Abroad

513 Pinoys abroad have now recovered from COVID-19 —DFA

Thirty-eight more Filipinos abroad have recovered from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), bringing the total to 513, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) announced Tuesday.

"Today, the DFA reports that the total number of Filipinos abroad who have recovered from COVID-19 has breached the 500 mark, with 38 new recoveries recorded from the Americas and Europe," the DFA said.

Meanwhile, the total number of confirmed cases abroad increased to 1,867 with 48 new infections across Asia and the Pacific Region, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East or Africa.

Patients undergoing treatment are recorded at 1,140.

According to the DFA, no new fatalities were reported for Filipino nationals across the globe for the first time in the past two weeks with the death toll remaining at 214.

"We carry the same hope of everyone for this trend to continue," it said.



Based on data from the DFA, Filipino patients undergoing treatment increased to 165 in the Asia Pacific region while recoveries and fatalities remained at 208 and two, respectively.

The Middle East or Africa, meanwhile, recorded eight more Filipino patients who recovered from the virus, bringing the total to 30, while fatalities remained at 19.

Patients undergoing treatment in the region, however, also rose to 375.

In Europe, the number of Filipino recoveries jumped to 143 with 19 new cases while patients still being treated also rose to 364. The death toll, meanwhile, remained at 73.

Filipino patient recoveries in the Americas also increased by 11 to 132 recoveries while the fatalities in the region remained at 120. Patients undergoing treatment, meanwhile, decreased to 236. — Joahna Lei Casilao/BM, GMA News