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Pinoy Abroad

7 more Filipino overseas contract COVID-19 —DFA

Seven more Filipinos abroad have contracted COVID-19, bringing the total tally to 20,274, the Department of Foreign Affairs said Tuesday.

The DFA said total recoveries remained at 12,085, while the death toll increased to 1,219 with two new fatalities.

So far, there are 6,970 patients undergoing treatment for the disease.

The Middle East/Africa still recorded the highest number of COVID-19-positive Filipinos at 11,531, including 6,293 recoveries and 812 fatalities.

The Asia Pacific Region still followed with 4,227 cases including 2,695 recoveries and 33 deaths.

In Europe, a total of 3,530 cases have been recorded, 130 of whom have died and 2,470 have recovered.

In the Americas, 986 Filipinos have been infected with the respiratory illness. A total of 627 people have recovered, while 244 have died. — Ma. Angelica Garcia/BM, GMA News