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Pinoy Abroad

DFA: 79 more Filipinos abroad contract COVID-19

Seventy-nine more Filipinos overseas have been infected with the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), raising the total tally to 23,115, the Department of Foreign Affairs said Monday.

The DFA said the death toll rose to 1,382 with six new fatalities.

Total recoveries, meanwhile, are at 13,328.

So far, there are 8,405 active cases undergoing treatment.

The Middle East/Africa remained to be the region with the most number of confirmed COVID-19 cases among Filipinos abroad at 12,998 with 925 deaths and 6,586 recoveries.

The Asia Pacific Region followed with 5,430 infections including 79 fatalities and 3,520 recoveries.

In Europe, a total of 3,651 Filipinos were infected with the virus, of which 130 have died, while 2,562 have recovered.

The Americas, meanwhile, has recorded 1,036 cases with 248 fatalities and 660 recoveries.—AOL, GMA News