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Pinoy Abroad

40 more Pinoys overseas get COVID-19 - DFA

Forty additional COVID-19 cases were recorded among Filipinos abroad, bringing the total tally of cases to 23,317, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Monday.

Of the total count of cases, the DFA said 8,376 are undergoing treatment.

At least 87 more recovered from the respiratory ailment, increasing the total recoveries among Filipinos abroad to 13,552.

"Compared to last week’s figures, there were more recoveries than new cases recorded this week," the agency said.

DFA figures also showed that the death toll reached 1,389, including two new fatalities.

Among the four regions, Middle East and Africa recorded the highest number of COVID-19 cases among Filipinos with 13,113, which includes 927 fatalities, 5,553 active cases and 6,633 recoveries.

This was followed by Asia Pacific Region with 5,517 total confirmed cases, including 3,697 recoveries, 84 deaths and 1,736 active infections.

In Europe, there are at least 3,651 COVID-19 cases, including 2,562  recoveries, 959  active cases and 130 deaths.

In the Americas, total confirmed cases among Filipinos stood at 1,036 cases with 128 active infections, 660 recoveries and 248 fatalities. -- BAP, GMA News