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Filipino educator in New York wins prestigious award for teachers

Filipino educator in New York wins prestigious award for teachers

NEW YORK CITY — A Filipino teacher has been honored with the prestigious New York City Department of Education Big Apple Award for the academic year 2024-2025. 

Dr. Catalina Suerte is among the nearly 50 teachers recognized across New York City for their outstanding commitment to teaching.

Officials from the New York City Department of Education personally informed Suerte of her award, acknowledging her exceptional dedication and contributions to education.

In a message to GMA Integrated News, Suerte expressed her surprise and gratitude.

"I never expected that I had been under observation by the Department of Education's selection committee for a long time," she said. "It's a very prestigious award and not easy to get. They came to my school to observe me teach, then I was interviewed. I was told that they had been following me."

There are more than 200,000 teachers across New York City, and Suerte is the only one from P.S. 274 to receive the award.

The Big Apple Awards celebrate New York City teachers who:

  • inspire students to be their best selves, dream, and advocate for their future
  • model equitable learning with high expectations for the diverse and dynamic needs of all students
  • affirm students’ identities, unique gifts, and genius
  • enrich their school communities by partnering with families, community members, and community-based organizations

Suerte's educational journey began at Cebu Normal University where she earned her degree. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Development Administration, majoring in Education Governance. Before migrating to the United States, she spent 24 years teaching at De La Salle John Bosco College in Bislig and Ateneo de Cagayan

Suerte hails from a humble background, being one of eight siblings. Their education was supported by their father, a farmer and carpenter, in Cebu. Her dedication and perseverance have not only paved the way for her success but also set a remarkable example for her students.

Currently, Suerte serves as the president of the Unified New Jersey Chapter, an organization for Filipino and Filipino-American educators in the United States. —KBK, GMA Integrated News