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Batangas State University students bag innovation award in Singapore for ‘A.I.-Quaponics 360’

Five students from Batangas won the Engineering Innovation Challenge 2022 in Singapore for their invention of “A.I.-Quaponics 360.”

According to GMA Regional TV Balitang Southern Tagalog Denise Abante’s report which aired in “24 Oras” on Tuesday, the “Aquaponics” is a system wherein water with fish will also be used to water the plants. The fish’s waste also serves as fertilizer.

The students from Batangas State University innovated the “Aquaponics,” in which they used Artificial Intelligence (AI) to have an automated system to monitor the quality of water, condition of fish and plants, and when they can be harvested.

It was called the “A.I.-Quaponics 360.” The user will also received notification through the system.

The invention, which took two months to develop, was the brainchild of Marc Beltran, John Biscocho, Lawrence De Castro, Jerico Matibag and Nelly Magboo.

“Hindi po namin ineexpect na masasama kami as finalist,” Magboo said.

The invention can help for food sustainability. This can also be used in household planting in urban areas because it does not cover bigger lands.

“Ang purpose is to help the traditional farming into a more sustainable one in terms of controlling and monitoring through [an] intelligence system so that is why we embedded artificial intelligence into this system,” Dr. Alvin Alon, the students’ coach, said.

“Huwag pong matakot, we are as equal [and] capable as other engineering students. Look forward to those challenges,” he added.—Richa Noriega/LDF, GMA News