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Wildcats rebooted for new Wildstorm universe

Fans of Image Comics and the WildStorm series “Wildcats” will be excited for the future of the iconic 90’s superhero team, as comic book scribe and revived comic book imprint “Wildstorm” head Warren Ellis announced that a brand new Wildcats series will be relaunched, as reported by Newsarama.

While no other details have been announced on the story or characters featured, Ellis revealed in his Orbital Operations weekly newsletter that he is working on the new series alongside two other unannounced projects and finishing up his run on “The Wild Storm” series the relaunched the imprint under DC Comics.

"I have one unannounced comics project on my board.  Two announced but unproduced. 18 issues of The Wild Storm left to write," wrote Ellis. "I've written the bible for the second Wildstorm book, Michael Cray, and in summer I'll be completing the bible for Wildcats."

Michael Cray is the real name of Deathblow, another character created by Wildcats creators Jim Lee and Brandon Choi. That book is the second series coming under the new Wildstorm imprint, with Wildcats being the third. The fourth book is still mysterious and unannounced. — TJD, GMA News