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Anne Curtis and Nico Bolzico have cute banter over Baby Dahlia's looks

Anne Curtis and Erwan Heussaff marked Baby Dahlia's fourth month in their usual way: a DIY photoshoot.

The new mom did everything herself—from styling, to design, to photography. The new dad, meanwhile, quipped he was there for moral support.

When the actress shared the final output on her Instagram account, her sister-in-law Solenn commented that Baby Dahlia is starting to look like her.

"Promise?" Anne replied, along with a crying and heart emoji.

Not to be outdone, Nico Bolzico went a step further with the banter and teamed up with Anne against their spouses.

"Ur genes are starting to show up Plus! Heussaff's genes are strong but we can beat them!" he said.

Anne responded in kind, telling her brother-in-law that his daughter, Baby Thylane, is also beginning to take after him.

"See a bit of you in Tili now too plus!!! I carried her for 9 months so she better start looking like me," Anne said.

Many netizens commented that Baby Dahlia looks like her dad Erwan, but Anne seemed pleased with the comments from Solenn and Nico.

"I think she's going to be Perfect mix of her papa and mum," she said. —MGP, GMA News