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'Crucified' Julia Barretto reveals how she deals with bashers

Julia Barretto, who has been in the limelight since she was six years old, has opened up about how she deals with people who constantly have mean things to say about her.

The actress went candid in an interview with photographer BJ Pascual in his latest YouTube vlog. BJ brought up how bashers have been a "recurring theme" in Julia's life, and how some seem to take it too far.

"Hindi ko siya ma-gets kasi I know you personally," BJ said. "So how do you deal with that kasi, parang, feeling ko minsan O.A. na parang feeling ko ..." 

(I don't get it because I know you personally. So how do you deal with that because I feel like sometimes it's too much. It feels like you're being ...)

"Crucified," Julia inserted.

"Oo," BJ said. "Parang feeling ko guys wait lang, parang 'Relax.' Parang, 'Pinapakain lang natin ang pamilya,' alam mo 'yun."

(Yeah. Sometimes I think, wait, guys. 'Relax.' Like, 'we're just making a living for the family,' you know.)

Julia said she gets asked the basher question a lot, but she always answers the same thing:

"The older I'm getting, I'm slowly starting to realize how important it is to compartmentalize things — what matters and what doesn't matter," the actress said.

"So, sometimes, when it's the opinion from people who don't have a significant role in your life and really don't matter, who you don't even know. I mean, 'm never gonna be affected by it, because you don't know me, I don't know you... We can't judge each other, di ba? It's just not possible," she added.

Citing her early start in showbiz and her family that has been in the spotlight for many years, Julia said opinions that matter to her the most are from her friends, her family and people who were close to her.

Julia has also come to realize that "whether you do something good or bad, people will have something to say."

"So keep going, keep doing you," the actress added. "And, wala, may masasabi eh, kahit ang ganda ng nagawa mo, meron pa rin silang masasabi, may taong gano'n."

(They always have something to say. No matter how well you did, they'll still have something to say. There are people like that.)

BJ also asked if Julia ever "made patol" with a basher, and she said she only does it when the said basher crosses the line.

“I don't wanna judge also, because i know what its like to be judged," she said.

BJ also asked Julia what was "next" for her as she celebrated her 24th birthday on March 10.

The actress said she wanted to do a lot more projects and movies, but she also sees herself starting a family in a few years.

"Ako kasi, simple lang talaga ang gusto ko sa life: I just wanna have a family. 'Yun lang talaga. So I feel like at 24 magwowork na ako ng sobra tapos siguro 25 work din sobra para 26 and above, puwede na akong magstart ng family ko. 'Yun ang dream ko talaga for myself ever since I was young," Julia said.

(Me, I just have a simple goal in life: I just wanna have a family. That's really it. I feel like, I'll work really hard at 24 and maybe at 25, I'll still work really hard so when I reach 26 and above, I'll be able to start a family. That's been my dream for myself ever since I was young.)

"So, to answer your question, I just really wanna hustle now, hustle next year and then just figure out from there how to start a family," she added.

Julia Barretto spoke to BJ Pascual after doing a photoshoot together in Subic to mark her 24th birthday.

The actress recently made headlines after going public with her relationship with actor Gerald Anderson. —Margaret Claire Layug/JCB, GMA News