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Pura Luka Vega declared persona non grata in General Santos City

Pura Luka Vega has been declared "persona non grata" in General Santos City, which means she is no longer welcome in the city.

According to a report on "State of the Nation," the local government deemed that the drag queen's viral "Ama Namin" remix "clearly offended" the Christian community.

The local Christian community in General Santos City backed the decision, the report added.

Pura Luka Vega has yet to comment on the development.

The "Ama Namin" remix performance drew flak on social media, with the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) describing it as "blasphemous."

In an exclusive interview with GMA News Online, Pura Luka Vega said that her "Ama Namin" performance wasn't meant to be disrespectful and that the song is her way to reconcile her Catholic faith with her queerness. Performing it in public is an "embodiment of God's love for all."

"I just want to create a narrative that despite all of these, Jesus, as the embodiment of God's love for all, does not forget about the oppressed, including the LGBTQIA+ community," she added.

She also said she understood "that people call my performance blasphemous, offensive or regrettable." —JCB, GMA Integrated News