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Sarah Lahbati and family figure in car accident

Sarah Lahbati and family figure in car accident

Sarah Lahbati and her family were involved in a car accident on the Metro Manila Skyway with two other cars.

On Friday morning, the actress sent a message on her Instagram broadcast channel saying they were “given a second chance.”

“Just when you think everything you worry about should be the center of the world, you’re reminded of God’s lessons, promises, and the bigger picture," Sarah wrote. "All you have to do is take a step back and let Him guide you."

She continued, “We were involved in an accident on the skyway. Fortunately, all three cars involved avoided any casualties, and we are all okay.”

Sarah said that she did not write the message “for you to feel bad for us,” and instead, it was because “this year has been the toughest of my life, yet I am reminded of God’s goodness, His second chances, and His promises.”

She did not specify who she was with but said that they are all doing okay.

“Things could have been much worse, yet my family and I are alive and well.”

She ended her message by saying, “La vie est belle. Life goes on.”

Last week, Sarah went on a Batangas getaway with her two sons and her parents. Followers noticed that her husband, Richard Gutierrez, was absent in the photos, just as he was in Sarah’s previous posts with their kids.

Their marriage is currently surrounded by speculation after it was first noticed that Sarah was absent at the recent birthday bash of her mother-in-law, Annabelle Rama.

Last month, Sarah cut her hair short, which had netizens getting more curious about their relationship. She also recently changed her Instagram handle to SLG from Sarah Lahbati-Gutierrez. —Carby Basina/JCB, GMA Integrated News