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Dana White says money 'destroyed' boxing, dismisses the possibility of McGregor vs Mayweather 2

UFC President Dana White dismissed the possibility of Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather Jr. fighting again.

In a Q and A session with GQ Sports, the UFC big boss frankly stated that he hopes to not see McGregor fight the retired boxing champion again.

“McGregor-Mayweather 2 is not supposed to happen. Should not happen. Hopefully won't happen," White said.

He also answered anew the criticism surrounding the amount of money he pays his fighters in the organization.

"There are not too many things you can talk s— about the UFC. If you look at what we have done in the business in the last 22 years, it is incredible,” White said.

“Never been done ever the things we have done in the fight. You always have something to b— about, I guess, and fighters always want to make more money. Boxing has absolutely been destroyed because of money and all the things going,” he continued.

“It is never going to happen while I'm here. Believe me, these guys get paid what they are supposed to get paid. They eat what they kill. They get a percentage of the pay-per-view buys and the money is spread out amongst all the fighters.”

And to those who insist that the UFC should be run a different way, White had a rather simple suggestion.

“If you don't like it there is a simple solution to this problem; go start your own MMA organization. Knock yourself out, pay them what you want to pay them. It has been done before. How has it worked out for other guys? Not well. Mind your business.”

—JMB, GMA News