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Mary Flor Diaz bags three silver medals in Asian Weightlifting Championships

Prior to Hidilyn Diaz's official qualification to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, her cousin Mary Flor won three silver medals in the Asian Weightlifting Championships on Sunday in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Mary Flor went against Indian athlete Jhili Dalabehera, who won the gold in the 45-kg event.



Dalabehera swept the gold medals after getting a total of 157 kg lifted on 69 kg in snatch and 88 kg in clean and jerk.

Mary Flor, meanwhile, lifted 135kg on a 60 kg best in snatch and 75 kg in clean and jerk.

Mary Flor is a 2019 Southeast Asian Games bronze medalist.

Aside from Mary Flor, other Filipino delegates in the Asian championships include Eileen Perez (women's 49 kg), John Fabuar Ceniza (men's 61 kg), Margaret Colonia (women's 59 kg), Elreen Ando (women's 64 kg), and Vanessa Sarno (women's 71 kg). —Justin Kenneth Carandang/JMB, GMA News