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Why Carlos Yulo's mom didn't watch his Olympic final live

Angelica Yulo, the ever-supportive mother of Filipino gymnast Carlos Yulo, shared that she opted not to watch her son compete in the men's vault finals tonight at the Tokyo Olympics.

According to Angelica, their home was covered with a mix of intensity and excitement as the 21-year-old gymnasts shot for a medal in the Summer Games.

And given that watching her son compete against the best of the best just makes her heart skip a beat, that prompted her to skip the live performance and just await the result.

"Actually, I did not watch the live performance," Angelica said in Filipino in an interview with GMA News Online shortly after the tournament.

"I was so nervous that I couldn't really watch it. But after the results came out, I watched it. My eldest (child) did not watch as well but the rest of the family watched Caloy."

The younger Yulo finished fourth overall in the vault finals after tallying a final score of 14.716---14.566 from his first run and 14.866 from the second.

And despite missing the podium, Angelica stressed it's still a long way to go for his son.

"For a first-timer, his performance was really great. And I believe he will still get that gold in the future," Angelica added.

—JMB, GMA News