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EJ Obiena finishes 4th in Diamond League finals

EJ Obiena failed to land on the podium after finishing at fourth spot in the Wanda Diamond League finals in Zurich, Switzerland early Friday (Manila time).

The Filipino pole vaulter skipped the 5.43 meter mark before successfully hurdling the 5.58 bar in one attempt.

He initially missed his first two jumps at the 5.73 height but was able to power through in the final try.

Obiena was also successful at 5.83m after two tries but he formally bowed out of contention after he was not able to clear the bar at 5.93m.

Sweden's Armand Duplantis, who copped the gold in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, ruled the tournament while Sam Kendricks of USA and Timur Morgunov of Russia settled for silver and bronze, respectively.

Americans Christopher Nilsen and KC Lightfoot, meanwhile, wound up fifth and sixth.

Obiena, 25, recently made a feat after he leaped to no. 5 in the world pole vault rankings following a phenomenal stint at the Paris leg of the Diamond League, where he reset the Philippine record to 5.91m. -- BAP, GMA News