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PSC sets target date for Obiena-PATAFA proposed mediation; POC hopes to resolve issue soon

Both the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) and Philippine Olympic Committee (POC) are hoping to find a resolution to the issue between pole vaulter EJ Obiena and his national sports association, the Philippine Athletics Track and Field Association (PATAFA), as soon as possible.

In a statement on Monday, the PSC said the two parties have yet to submit their signatures for the sports body's proposed mediation. PSC chair William 'Butch' Ramirez encouraged the two parties to submit to mediation "for their mutual benefit."

“Again, my role is to facilitate communication between the parties, not to decide who is right or wrong. Mediation is the best option for now so the parties can reconcile, open communication lines, and continue the work that needs to be done. The parties owe it to the government and the Filipino people to resolve the issues amicably. A failed mediation will be detrimental to both parties,” Ramirez said.

PSC also set December 15 as a target date for the two parties to submit their proposed mediation.

Meanwhile, the POC said they are "tirelessly working with our legal team to resolve the issue at the soonest possible time."

"We do not want shortcuts here. What we want is to shed light on the matter and ensure that truth prevails," POC ethics committee chair Patrick Gregorio of the Philippine Rowing Association said in a statement.

According to Gregorio, the ethics and legal teams, composed of Gerry Alquiros (Philippine Tournament Bridge Association) and Ernesto Echauz (Philippine Sailing Association), will meet online the soonest. Atty. Wharton Chan will head the legal team.

On Sunday, Obiena named Atty. Alex Avisado and the Gana Tan Atienza Avisado Law Offices as his legal counsel. Obiena's mentor, Jim Lafferty, and Atty. Bobet Bruce will be his spokespersons.

—JMB, GMA News